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Ask your Echo this: "What's on my To-Do List?" Then: iOS Notification will be sent

Whenever your WeMo Insight Switch goes off, your iOS device will receive a notification.

When your Echo starts playing a song, your iOS device will tell you! 

iOS Notification 

Your iOS device will be notified when your WeMo Insight Switch turns on.

If you WeMo Light Switch turns on, your iOS device will receive a notification.

Whenever your Echo's alarm goes off, your iOS device will recive a notification.

When your Echo's timer goes off, a notification will be sent to your iOS device.

Whenever you add an item to your To-Do list, it will automaticly appear also in your iOS reminders. Example: "Alexa, add go to store to my to-do list." - Added to to-do list and iOS reminders.

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